Los Angeles Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Lawyer
You might be the victim of persistent unnerving creditor calls, a wage garnishment, a bank levy, or even a foreclosure. Aronson Law Group can stop all of this.
The effects of mountainous medical bills, long-term unemployment or otherwise struggling to make ends meet has likely taken its toll over the course of many months or even years. Now that you’re ready to learn how bankruptcy may be able to help you, you deserve a legal advocate who not only knows the relevant law, but also understands how financial turmoil has affected you and can offer a true way out from the anxiety and confusion.
Aronson Law Group: Experienced, Compassionate Help Through The Consumer Bankruptcy Process
You may have read or heard that Chapter 7 bankruptcy is easy to do yourself. It’s not. Everyone needs the help of an experienced attorney to guide them through the process. During his career, he has handled countless consumer bankruptcy cases for hardworking people throughout Southern California. He has also developed a reputation for success in complex bankruptcy litigation cases.
Our consultative approach begins with dispelling some of the many preconceptions that clients frequently have about Chapter 7 bankruptcy. We spend significant time learning every relevant detail of our clients’ financial pasts, not only so we can determine if they are qualified to proceed with a Chapter 7, but also so we can ensure that we maximize all exemptions that they are entitled to during the process.
We handle all aspects of Chapter 7 bankruptcies in California, from filing the initial paperwork to helping our clients begin the process of rebuilding their credit. We take great pride in making the process as seamless and pain-free as possible, so that our clients can begin their post-bankruptcy lives confident that they can achieve a brighter financial future.
Our firm has also represented creditors in the bankruptcy process, giving us well-rounded experience that can benefit you as a debtor or creditor.
Schedule A Free Consultation Now
To discuss your bankruptcy options with Los Angeles attorney Robert Aronson, call (213) 688-8945 or complete our online contact form.
We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.